info penting materi dan soal-soal fisika

  • Supermassive Black Hole

    This artist’s impression depicts a rapidly spinning supermassive black hole surrounded by an accretion disc. This thin disc of rotating material consists of the leftovers of a Sun-like star which was ripped apart by the tidal forces of the black hole. Shocks in the colliding debris as well as heat generated in accretion led to a burst of light, resembling a supernova explosion. Credit: ESO, ESA/Hubble, M. Kornmesser

  • Cold Intergalactic Rain

    The cosmic weather report, as illustrated in this artist’s concept, calls for condensing clouds of cold molecular gas around the Abell 2597 Brightest Cluster Galaxy. The clouds condense out of the hot, ionised gas that suffuses the space between the galaxies in this cluster. Credit: NRAO/AUI/NSF; Dana Berry/SkyWorks; ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)

  • The Quasar 3C 279

    This is an artist’s impression of the quasar 3C 279. Astronomers connected the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX), in Chile, to the Submillimeter Array (SMA) in Hawaii, USA, and the Submillimeter Telescope (SMT) in Arizona, USA for the first time, to make the sharpest observations ever, of the centre of a distant galaxy, the bright quasar 3C 279. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser

  • An Active Galactic Nucleus

    Artist's impression of an active galaxy that has jets. The central engine is thought to be a supermassive black hole surrounded by an accretion disc and enshrouded in a dusty doughnut-shaped torus. The torus of dust and gas can be seen orbiting a flatter disc of swirling gas. Courtesy Aurore Simonnet, Sonoma State University. Credit: ESO

  • The Horsehead Nebula

    A reproduction of a composite colour image of the Horsehead Nebula and its immediate surroundings. It is based on three exposures in the visual part of the spectrum with the FORS2 multi-mode instrument at the 8.2-m KUEYEN telescope at Paranal. This image is available as a mounted image in the ESOshop. Credit: ESO

Showing posts with label fisika olimpiade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fisika olimpiade. Show all posts

Kumpulan Buku Fisika dan Astronomi (OSN)

Cuplikan literasi David Morin : Static friction deals with two objects at rest relative to each other. In the static case, we have F ≤ µsN (where µs is the “coefficient of static friction”). Note the inequality sign. All we can say prior to solving a problem is that the static friction force has a maximum value equal to Fmax = µsN. In a given problem, it is most likely less than this. For example, if a block of large mass M sits on a surface with coefficient of friction µs, and you give the block a tiny push to the right (tiny enough so that it doesn’t move), then the friction force is of course not equal to µsN = µsMg to the left. Such a force would send the block sailing off to the left. The true friction force is simply equal and opposite to the tiny force you apply. What the coefficient µs tells us is that if you apply a force larger than µsMg (the maximum friction force on a horizontal table), then the block will end up moving to the right.
Copyright 2004 by David Morin, In this chapter we will discuss oscillatory motion. The simplest examples of such motion are a swinging pendulum and a mass on a spring, but it is possible to make a system more complicated by introducing a damping force and/or an external driving force. We will study all of these cases. We are interested in oscillatory motion for two reasons. First, we study it because we can study it. This is one of the few systems in physics where we can solve the motion exactly. There’s nothing wrong with looking under the lamppost every now and then. Second, oscillatory motion is ubiquitous in nature, for reasons that will become clear in Section 4.2. If there was ever a type of physical system worthy of study, this is it. We’ll jump right into some math in Section 3.1. And then in Section 3.2 we’ll show how the math is applied to the physics.

Berikut di bawah ini adalah keseluruhan Buku Fisika dan Astronomi :
A.R. King and O Regev-Physics with answers 500 problems and solutions [klik]
Ahmad A Kamal-1000 Solved Problems in Classical Physics An Exercise Book [klik]
Ahmad A Kamal-1000 Solved Problems in Classical Physics [klik]
Aplikasi WinDjView-0.5 [klik]
Astronomi (modul) [klik]
Astronomy-Fundamental Astronomy [klik]
Astronomy-A Companion to Astronomy and Astrophysics [klik]
Astronomy-Astrophysics is Easy [klik]
Fundamental Astronomy [klik]
Boris-A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 1 [klik]
Boris-A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2 [klik]
Brainteaser Physics Challenging Physics Puzzlers [klik]
Buku Pintar Nuklir [klik]
C. Gignoux-Solved Problems in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics [klik]
Cambrigde-200 puzling physics [klik]
Cambrigde-200 Puzzling Physics Problems [klik]
David Morin-Introductory Classical Mechanics with Problems and Solutions [klik]
David Morin-Problems and Solutions Introduction to Classical Mechanics [klik]
Fisika_Mekanika-Olimpiade Fisika [klik]
Fowles-Analytical Mechanics [klik]
Fowles-Solutions Manual Analytical Mechanics [klik]
Giancoli - Introduction, Measurement, Estimating [klik]
Giancoli–Physics [klik]
Halliday Resnick Walker-Physics and Measurement [klik]
Irodov Modul Pilihan [klik]
Irodov-Problems in General Physics [klik]
Jaan Kalda-Problem of Kinematics [klik]
Jaan Kalda-Problem of Mechaniks [klik]
Jagad Raya Tata Surya Dan Bumi [klik]
Kleppner-An Introduction to Mechanics [klik]
Krotov-Science for every one [klik]
Lim Yung huo-Problems and Solutions on Mechanics [klik]
Mark Levi-The Mathematical Mechanic Using Physical Reasoning to Solve  Problems [klik]
McMonagle-Physics Science Visual Resouces [klik]
Mechanics Indonesian [klik]
Mekanika Yohanes Surya [klik]
Modul Astronomi ITB [klik]
Modul Belajar Astronomi [klik]
Morin ch00 title [klik]
Morin ch0 Contents Preface [klik]
Morin ch1 Statistic [klik]
Morin ch2 Using F=ma [klik]
Morin ch3 Oscillations [klik]
Morin ch4 Convertions Energy and Momentum [klik]
Morin ch5 The Lagrangian Method [klik]
Morin ch6 Central Forces [klik]
Morin ch7 Angular Momentum Part 1 (constant L) [klik]
Morin ch8 Angular Momentum Part 2 (general L) [klik]
Morin ch9 Accelerated Frames of Reference [klik]
Morin ch10 Relativity (Kinematics) [klik]
Morin ch11 Relativity (Dynamics) [klik]
Morin ch12 4 Vectors [klik]
Morin ch13 General Relativity [klik]
Morin ch14 Appendices [klik]
Omegaleph Institute-Problems of the 1st International Physics Olympiad [klik]
Paul-The Handy Physics answer Book Second Edition [klik]
Poseng Than-300 creative physics problems with solution [klik]
R.A.Serway Physics for Scientists and Engineers [klik]
Schaum's Outlines-Astronomy [klik]
Schaum's-Physics Theory and Problems [klik]
Serway-Physics and Measurement [klik]
Serway-Physics for Scientists Engineers [klik]
Singh1-Problems in General Physics [klik]
Singh2-Problems in General Physics [klik]
Walter Greiner-Classical Mechanics,Point Particles And Relativity(Theoretical Physics) [klik]
Yohanes Surya olimpiade [klik]
Young - University Physics with Modern Physics 12e [klik]
Young University Physics with Modern Physics [Solutions] [klik]
Media Presentasi PPT
Alam Semesta [klik]
Asteroid Komet Meteorit [klik]
Bulan Satelit Bumi [klik]
Force & Motion-Fundamental Physics [klik]
Galaksi Kita Dan Gugus Galaksi [klik]
Inklusi [klik]
Jagad Raya Tata Surya Dan Bumi [klik]
Jagad Raya [klik]
Jovian Satelit [klik]
Konsepsi Alam Semesta [klik]
Matahari Sebagai Bintang [klik]
Motivasi Berprestasi [klik]
Pelatihan Fisika Olimpiade [klik]
Pengambangan Mutu Pendidikan [klik]
Planet Kebumian dan Pluto [klik]
Presentasi OSN Fisika SMP [klik]
Teori Belajar [klik]
Selamat membaca, semoga belajar fisika menjadi lebih mudah dan menyenangkan…
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Kumpulan Pembahasan Soal OSN Fisika Plus Modul

Fisika tanpa mengerti konsep secara mendalam itu sama saja bohong. Konsep bisa dipelajari dan dilatih (drilling) setiap harinya dengan soal-soal yang menantang. Saya rasa di internet sudah banyak sekali bank soal yang bisa kawan-kawan peroleh seperti I.E. Irodov (buku klasik yang wajib) dan soal-soal dari kompetisi fisika universitas internasional manapun. Ada pernyataan yang menurut saya bisa salah kaprah kalau dihayati dengan serius. Sering kita dengar “mengerjakan fisika tanpa kalkulus”. Memang betul bahwa soal-soal yang awal-awal tentang fisika bisa dicari cara kreatifnya tanpa melibatkan kalkulus. Namun, suka atau tidak, kedepannya matematika menjadi alat utama dalam mengerti rumus fisika. Betul sekali bahwa setiap rumus lebih baik diturunkan dari konsep dasar ketimbang dihapal. Namun, kita tetap harus jangan merasa tabu untuk menghapal. Problem fisika itu cuma segitu-segitu aja variasinya. Dengan menghapal beberapa hal umum, kita bisa mempersingkat proses kerja kita. Namun, sekali lagi, jangan kita malas menurunkan sendiri hal yang kita sudah hapal. Hapalan ini tidak akan berguna jika kita menemukan soal yang baru dan disinilah pengetahuan dasar kita diuji. Begitu kita menjawab persoalan yang hampir sama ternyata konsepnya menjadi dua kasus yang menjadi kemungkinan penyelesaiannya.

Berikut keseluruhan pembahasan soal OSN Fisika :
Average contribution [klik]
Average specific heat of each free electron at constant volume [klik]
Back-and-Forth Rolling of a Liquid-Filled Sphere [klik]
batas pendengaran dan daya pisah (resolving power) pendengaran [klik]
Dinamika Gerak Translasi dan Rotasi : [link 1] ; [link 2]
Dinamika Gerak Translasi dan Rotasi solusi : [link 1] ; [link 2] ; [Problem]
Efek Doppler [klik]
Experimental Competition [klik]
Fisika Gelombang Suara (eksp) [klik]
Interference of Wave [klik]
Karakteristik sistem mikrofon (eksp) [klik]
Kunci Jawaban Astronomi OSK_15 [klik]
Kunci Jawaban Biologi OSK_15 Paket 2 [klik]
Kunci Jawaban Ekonomi OSK_15 [klik]
Kunci Jawaban Fisika OSK_15 [klik]
Kunci Jawaban Fisika OSK_2017 [klik]
Kunci Jawaban Geografi OSK_15 [klik]
Kunci Jawaban Informatika-Komputer OSK_15 [klik]
Kunci Jawaban Kebumian OSK_15 [klik]
Kunci Jawaban Kimia OSK_15 [klik]
Kunci Jawaban Matematika OSK_15 [klik]
Measurement of liquid electric conductivity [klik]
Momentum dan Energi Mekanik : [link 1] ; [link 2]
Optical properties of an unusual material [klik]
Materi Pelatihan Fisika Olimpiade [klik]
Pembahasan OSN Fisika : [2006] ; [2009]
Pembahasan OSN Fisika Kabupaten : [2008] ; [2009]
Pembahasan OSN Fisika Propinsi : [2007] ; [2008] ; [2009]
Pembahasan Soal OSN Fisika : [2012] ; [2007] ; [2014] ; [2015]
Pembahasan Soal OSN Fisika Kabupaten : [2014] ; [2015] 
Pembahasan Soal OSN Propinsi : [2009] ; [2014] ; [2015]
Pembahasan Soal OSN Kab-Kota : [2007] ; [2008]
Pembahasan Soal OSP : [1] ; [2] ; [3] ; [4] ; [5] ; [6]
Pembahasan Soal OSP Fisika : [2014] ; [2015] ; [2016]
Soal OSN Kompilasi : [doc] ; [pdf]
Dinamika Rotasi dan Kesetimbangan Benda Tegar : [doc] ; [pdf]
Kinematika dan Dinamika : [doc] ; [pdf]
Mekanika Benda Tegar (Logika) : [doc] ; [pdf]
Momentum Angular : [doc] ; [pdf]
Kerja – Energi : [doc] ; [pdf]
Question Final_Indonesia : [teori 1] ; [teori 2]
Seleksi TOFI 2000 solusi [klik]
Pembahasan OSN Fisika KAB : [2014] ; [2015] ; [2016] ; [Medan 2017] ; [2017]
Pembahasan OSN Fisika NAS 2017 [klik]
Pembahasan OSN Fisika PROP : [2014] ; [2016] ; [2017]
Soal Eksperimen Fisika [klik]
Soal OSN Fisika 2004 [klik]
Soal OSN Fisika 2006 : [doc] ; [pdf]
Soal OSN Fisika 2007 [klik]
Soal OSN Fisika 2008 : [problem] ; [Solusi]
Soal OSN Fisika 2009 : [problem doc] ; [problem pdf] ; [Solusi]
Soal OSN Fisika Kabupaten 2007 [klik]
Soal OSN Fisika Kabupaten 2008 : [Problem doc] ; [Problem pdf] ; [Solusi]
Soal OSN Fisika Kabupaten 2009 [klik]
Soal OSN Fisika Kabupaten 2010 : [link 1] ; [link 2]
Soal OSN Fisika Propinsi 2006 : [prob 1] ; [prob 2] ; [Solusi]
Soal OSN Fisika Propinsi 2008 : [problem] ; [solusi]
Soal OSN Fisika Propinsi 2009 : [problem] ; [solusi]
Soal OSN Fisika Propinsi 2007 solusi [klik]
Soal OSN Fisika Provinsi : [2008] ; [2009]
Soal Seleksi TOFI : [1998] ; [1999] ; [2000] ; [2002]
Solusi Eksperimen Fisika [klik]
Solution of Problem eksp1 [klik]
The Doppler effect [klik]
The Inverse Compton Scattering [klik]
Semoga dapat banyak manfaat dan menjadi referensi untuk belajar tambahan secara otodidak, selamat membaca
Berikut keseluruhan link terkait :



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